Renaissance and early baroque lutesongs from Spain, Italy, France and England Spain Beatus Ille; Alonso Mudarra (c 1510-1580) Si me llaman a mi; Alonso Mudarra Paseabase el rey moro; Luys de Narváez (published in 1538) Fantasía del primer tono (lute solo); Luys de Narváez Vuestros ojos tienen d’amor; Anonymous  Italy Se ben hor non scopro el foco; Bartolomeo Tromboncino (1470-after 1534)  Quando amor i begl'occhi; Phillippe Verdelot (published in 1536)  Ostinato vo seguire; Bartolomeo Tromboncino  Ricercare (lute solo); Marco Dall'Aquila (c1480-c1538) Non e tempo d´aspetare; Marcetto Cara (1465-1525)  Pause 
France Entrée de Luth (lute solo); Robert Ballard (published in 1611) N`espérez plus mes yeux; Antoine Boesset (1586-1643)  Yo soy la locura; Du Bailly (¿-1637)  Adorable Princesse; Pierre Guédron (c1565-c1620)  England Cradle Pavan (lute solo); Anthony Holborne (c1545-1602) Say love if ever thou didst find; John Dowland (1563-1626)  Flow my tears; John Dowland  Can she excuse my wrongs; John Dowland  =AUDIO | =VIDEO